Operation of Educational Establishments During COVID-19

Guidance entitled the Operation of Educational Establishments during the Pandemic: Protocols and Procedures has been issued outlining the COVID-19 precautionary measures which should be taken by all educational establishments in the UAE. The Guide covers schools, pre-schools and childcare establishments, both private and public education, higher education and training institutions. Particular guidance is given for those providing medical and health science education. It is noted that the guidance in the document may be changed or amended without notice, as directed by the authorities concerned or the relevant Government or Emirate authorities. It includes a checklist for reopening, details of roles and responsibilities and also provides particular guidance for dealing with suspected cases.

The three national risk levels – red (high), amber (moderate) and green (low risk). Where the red level exists only distance learning should operate, where it is amber a blending distance and face to face approach can be used and when it is green regular approaches can be used. Continuing provision of distance learning is however required for pupils with health conditions. Absence control is also to be monitored. Pupil and staff capacity levels are given for each risk level. Histoire complète

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